Message from Father Jay – May 19, 2020

My Dear Ones in Christ,

We are all, I’m sure, so very anxious to once again be able to receive the Eucharist. These many, many days without that particular spiritual nourishment have been difficult, but you have all borne up under this trial in a most wonderful and commendable way. I’m truly so very proud of you all.

The time has come for a VERY limited return to the reception of the Eucharist at St. Frances Cabrini. There are some pretty strict guidelines for everybody, so I ask you to read the following protocol very carefully.

Starting this weekend (May 23 and 24), we will observe “drive-by” communion. THERE WILL STILL BE NO PUBLIC CELEBRATION OF THE MASS. I will celebrate a private Mass beforehand during which I will consecrate a sufficient amount of the Eucharist for it to be received by the Faithful. The times for reception of the Eucharist are as follows: Saturday 5:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m., Sunday 8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m., and Sunday 10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

The parking lot procedure for the reception of Holy Communion is as follows:

  • Enter the WEST parking lot through the furthest west gate. There will be signage indicating where to enter.
  • Proceed to the far north end of the parking lot, circle the light pole, and line up your cars along the west side of the patio.
  • There are two entrances to the patio on the west side of the church. I (Fr. Jay) will be standing outside the northern-most entrance vested in an alb and stole and wearing a face mask and gloves. Pull up to where I am standing and roll down your window. I will ask how many are going to receive the Eucharist if there is more than one person in the car, and then, after saying, “The Body of Christ,” I will put the appropriate number of consecrated hosts into the hands of the car’s driver. I will not be giving communion to each person in the car; the driver of the car will have that responsibility.
  • After receiving Holy Communion, and if you have brought your monetary offering, please pull forward to the next patio entrance where a person (masked and gloved) will have a basket to receive your offering.
  • Exit the parking lot through the gate directly in front of you.

I’m very aware that no procedure is going to be perfect, but after consulting with a number of people, this seems to be the most workable solution for our parish. We will be continuing with this protocol for the foreseeable future inasmuch as public celebrations of the Mass are still not sanctioned. St. Frances Cabrini is in a most unique situation because the majority of our parishioners can be counted among the most vulnerable due to our ages. We may be among the very last to begin limited public celebration of the Mass due to our vulnerability, and I want as much as humanly possible to protect you and your health. I will not rush headlong into reopening our parish both for your sake and for mine. You are all far too precious to me and to each other for us not to be wisely cautious as we seek ways of moving forward. Please continue to be patient. This pandemic is far from over. Our Heavenly Father has sustained us this far along our journey, and I have every confidence that His hand is still guiding us for our good.

With my deepest love in Christ for each one of you,

Fr. Jay

1 thought on “Message from Father Jay – May 19, 2020”

  1. Hi Father Jay, I was wondering if there is a way for you to do the readings and/or the Gospel (maybe a Homily?) and post it on this website? I miss that.

    Yours in Christ,
    Diana Matus

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