cross imageIn the last century, more than 100,000 small Christian communities have come into being throughout the world. In the United States, these groups take the form of scripture study groups, prayer groups, support groups or ministerial communities. The Small Faith Community provides a means for Catholics to enhance their spiritual lives and to live the mission of Christ more fully through communion with other Catholics. All of our parishioners are asked to consider what it means to be holy and encouraged to become part of a group of people striving to live their lives according to the spirit of Christ.

Most small faith communities consist of eight to 10 parishioners who meet once a month in their homes or in the parish. Together they pray, read and reflect on the scripture readings for the following Sunday or use topical materials designed for small groups. Discussion and discernment of God's Word is facilitated by a group leader who focuses on the challenge and call to live out the gospel reading in our daily human experience.

Ready to find out more?

Please contact the parish office for current information.