Liturgical ministry is an excellent opportunity to fulfill your baptismal call of service to one another. Our liturgies utilize the talents and gifts that God has given this community to the fullest extent. Parishioner contributions help our liturgies to be truly life-giving celebrations. Please prayerfully consider joining one of these ministries.

Current Liturgical Minister Schedule

If you would like to consider learning more about, or joining the Liturgical Minister team, please contact the parish to submit your information. One of our Liturgical Minister coordinators will follow up with you.

crucifix and bibleLECTOR / COMMENTATOR

Lectors are selected to proclaim the scripture readings and to lead the congregation in response. Sign ups are typically held in September.  However, anyone interested may volunteer at any time. New lectors/commentators go through a period of necessary training. There is no minimum term for lectors. They are responsible for getting their own replacements from the lector list if they cannot meet an assigned commitment.


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers) assist the priest in the distribution of Holy Communion during the celebration of the Mass. Ministers may also bring the Eucharist to our parishioners who are home-bound. Interested applicants must meet the following Diocesan guidelines: "mature Catholics respected in the Parish community who are noted for their devotion to the Eucharist and their service to the parish". Accepted applicants are required to complete a short course of study and may meet annually for an afternoon of updating.

Like the lectors, Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers serve at assigned masses for a period of three months and arrange for their own substitutes from a published list, if necessary. Some ministers devote their ministry to visitation of home-bound parishioners. Those who visit the home-bound must complete a more extensive application process including a background check in accordance with our Safe Environment Program.


The Hospitality Ministers assist in seating of parishioners and visitors at our Sunday Liturgies. These ministers select people to carry up the gifts, receive the collections at Mass and distribute the Parish Bulletin at the close of Mass. The Ministry of Hospitality is open to all confirmed youth and adults in the parish. Scheduling is flexible and is the responsibility of the Hospitality Minister captain of each Mass. Hospitality Ministers stand near each door of the church to welcome parishioners and visitors.


Altar servers assist at the altar during the celebration of the Mass and during other liturgical functions. Volunteers are accepted from students who have celebrated their First Eucharist - and from interested adults. Interested volunteers must complete training prior to participating in this ministry. Altar servers participate at an assigned Mass and arrange for their own substitute from a published list if unable to serve as scheduled.

Interested in Liturgical Ministry?

If you would like to share your gifts in liturgical ministry, please contact the Parish Office.