Monday, March 19, 2018
Parish Hall

StandUp For Kids Tucson is a small, grass roots and 100%volunteer non-profit organization. Our goal is to recognize and meet the needs of our local homeless youth. This includes fundraising, creating awareness and developing programs.
SUFK volunteers go onto the streets Sunday and Wednesday evenings with trained volunteers. They reach out to our homeless and at-risk youth and young adults. Carrying food, hygienic supplies, service information, and other basic need they encounter those kids where they are- living on the streets. Even though homeless kids need these things, the real goal is to build trusting relationships by being compassionate and loving. Often SUFK volunteers are their only example of healthy relationship.
Kim Sisson, currently Executive Director has been volunteering with SUFK for ten years. She will be here to tell us more about this wonderful organization for homeless youth. Kim’s background is Catechesis and she is currently Youth minister at Our Mother of Sorrows.
Kim has been trained and worked in all three levels of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and is a Certified Level 1 trainer. She travel annually to Central America to train Catechists and has helped to build three atriums at NPH Orphanages in Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua. NPH Honduras has become a second home to her and is a place of true joy and renewal. Her love of kids has prompted her to study addiction, trauma, abuse, sex trafficking and anything else she feels will be of use in dealing with youth. Kim has been married for 30 years and has 4 sons.
Please join us to learn more about this wonderful Tucson organization and its work.
Theology Uncorked is a free program for theological reflection, good conversation, delicious wines and fresh popcorn! This program is offered usually on the first Monday of each month with presentations, movies, etc., which allow us to further examine our lives as it relates to Christ’s teachings. You are welcome to bring snacks or a bottle of wine to share as we delve into our theology! All are welcome to join us!
Dear Father,
Thank you for your energy, inspiration and love which has held this parish together to thrive all these years. Your sermons have always been food for thought and inspiration.
I am a parishioner who flowed to you from Fathers Weber’s days. When he died I was worried who would fill his shoes. These thirty years have shown I should have had no worries.
Gratefully for your service in Christ, Kathleen Spence